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May 14

1 min read



Sago pearls, also known as tapioca pearls or "sago," are commonly used in various Asian desserts and beverages. Here's a simple recipe 카지노사이트 make cooked sago pearls:


  • 1/2 cup sago pearls (tapioca pearls)

  • Water for boiling


  1. Rinse the Sago Pearls:

  • Place the sago pearls 온라인 카지노 커뮤니티 a fine-mesh sieve or colander and rinse them under cold running water for a few seconds. This helps remove excess starch and prevents the pearls from sticking together during cooking.

  1. Boil Water:

  1. Cook the Sago Pearls:

  • Once the water is boiling, carefully add the rinsed sago pearls to the pot. Stir gently to prevent 온라인카지노추천 pearls from clumping together.

  1. Reduce Heat and Simmer:

  • Lower the heat to medium-low and let the sago pearls simmer gently. Stir occasionally to ensure they cook evenly.

  1. Cook Until Transparent:

  • Cook the sago pearls 라이브카지노 사이트 about 10-15 minutes, or until they turn translucent and become soft and chewy. Keep in mind that cooking time may vary depending on the size of the pearls.

  1. Rinse and Drain:

  • Once the sago pearls are cooked to your desired texture, remove the pot from the heat. Pour the cooked pearls into a fine-mesh sieve or colander and rinse them under cold water 카지노 먹튀 stop the cooking process and remove any excess starch.

  1. Serve or Use as Desired:

  • The cooked sago pearls are now ready to be used in your favorite dessert or beverage recipes. You can serve them warm or chilled, depending on your preference.

May 14

1 min read



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